To download materials regarding sales services for standard structural components, please register using the form below and contact us.

We will confirm your registration details and contact you with download instructions.

Please fill out the form below and press the "Confirm" button.
※Required fields must be filled out.

    requiredCompany Name
    requiredCompany Website (URL)
    requiredYour Name
    requiredPosition or job title
    requiredEmail Address
    requiredEmail address (re)
    requiredIn which CubeSat structure size(s) are you interested?
    requiredEstimated quantity needed
    requiredIntended application or mission type
    anyEstimated Project timeline or expected launch date
    requiredDo you require any customization for your CubeSat structure?
    anyCustomization details
    (If you answered "Yes" to the question about customizing the CubeSat structure type)
    requiredAre you interested in additional services?
    requiredHow did you hear about our company?
    requiredWhen is the best time for you to be contacted.
    anyAre there any additional specifications, requirements, or questions?
    requiredDo you need any additional information? (Product catalog/price information)
    requiredAre you aware of export control regulations for spacecraft components?
